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Adult Faith Formation

Sundays (September - May)

10:45 - 11:30 am


Adult Faith Formation at First Presbyterian Church is an opportunity for individuals to deepen their understanding of faith and grow spiritually within a supportive community.


Classes will not meet on March 30 to allow everyone to attend the Mission Fair in the Social Hall


April 6


​What Does It Mean that We Are an Earth Care Congregation?

Speaker: Susan Whitlock

Host: Jane Dutton


Susan Whitlock, Session member and Chair of the Worship Committee, will lead a discussion on our church’s designation as an Earth Care Congregation. She will guide the group through the Earth Care Pledge and share what this recognition means for our congregation as we continue our commitment to environmental stewardship.


​The Parables of Jesus

Host: Ed Koster


Through in-depth study and group discussion, we’ll delve into the cultural context, spiritual meanings, and contemporary relevance of Jesus' parables. This class offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture and discover new insights into the teachings of Christ.


Christianity and World Religions:

Host: Carole Pawloski


In session three titled Buddhism, Adam Hamilton gives an overview of the beginning of Buddhism, focusing on the life and teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha. He describes the central ideas of Buddhism and what it has in common with Christianity, as well as how the two religions are different in important respects.

April 13


Listening for the Heartbeat of God:
A Quick Look at the Celtic Spirituality of
J Philip Newell


Speaker: Rev. David Prentice-Hyers

Host: David Yntema


How might the ancient traditions of Britain, Ireland, and the Celtic diaspora shape and give meaning to our current spiritual moment? David Prentice-Hyers will examine the prayers, patterns, and sensibilities of the Celtic Tradition through the writings of J. Philip Newell and others.   


​The Parables of Jesus

Host: Ed Koster


Through in-depth study and group discussion, we’ll delve into the cultural context, spiritual meanings, and contemporary relevance of Jesus' parables. This class offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture and discover new insights into the teachings of Christ.

Christianity and World Religions:

Host: Carole Pawloski


Join us for the session in Christianity and World Religions, featuring Judaism from Adam Hamilton’s video series. This class will explore the history, beliefs, and practices of Judaism, highlighting connections and distinctions between Judaism and Christianity.


Honor God’s Diversity!
Affirm People Who Are Marginalized (Genesis 1-2)


Follow Me is an engaging adult discipleship class that explores biblical themes and spiritual practices to help deepen your faith. Each session encourages discussion and reflection on how we can actively follow Christ in our daily lives.


Classes will not meet on Easter Sunday, April 20.

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April 27


Museums and Forgiveness: Reconsidering Our Not So Silent Gallery Spaces​

Host: Margie Reynolds


​Often seen as places of comfort and escape, museums also reflect a complex and sometimes troubling past. No museum type is exempt—zoos, art museums, botanical gardens, and science collections all hold contested histories. This talk, led by Margie Reynolds, will explore cases of looted artifacts, unethical acquisitions, human exhibits, and the exclusion of marginalized groups, asking how we can address these issues today.


​The Parables of Jesus

Host: Ed Koster


Through in-depth study and group discussion, we’ll delve into the cultural context, spiritual meanings, and contemporary relevance of Jesus' parables. This class offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture and discover new insights into the teachings of Christ.


Christianity and World Religions:

Host: Carole Pawloski


In session five titled Islam, Adam Hamilton discusses the beginnings of Islam with a focus on the life of Muhammad. He describes the main beliefs and practices of Islam, including its sacred text, the Quran, and shows its similarities and differences with Christianity. 


Honor God’s Diversity!
Center Voices from the Margins (Matthew 15: 21-28)


Follow Me is an engaging adult discipleship class that explores biblical themes and spiritual practices to help deepen your faith. Each session encourages discussion and reflection on how we can actively follow Christ in our daily lives.

May 4


When Faith Takes Form


Speaker: Mark Borst

Host: Jane Dutton


What does it mean for a church building to have architectural and liturgical integrity? And why does it matter in a post-denominational, post-Christian era? Join us for an in-depth look at four architecturally significant West Michigan churches, and what they teach us about design stewardship and corporate worship. 


​The Parables of Jesus

Host: Ed Koster


Through in-depth study and group discussion, we’ll delve into the cultural context, spiritual meanings, and contemporary relevance of Jesus' parables. This class offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture and discover new insights into the teachings of Christ.

Christianity and World Religions:

Host: Carole Pawloski


In session six titled Christianity, Adam Hamilton gives a broad overview of the Christian faith using John 3:16 as a “gospel in miniature” that contains the good news of Christianity in a simple, straightforward, yet powerful statement. He shows how Christianity’s teachings are similar to other religions in some ways, but differs in others, most significantly in the Christian teaching that Jesus is the son of God, fully human and fully God.

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May 11


Christian Nationalism in Modern America (Part 1)​

Speaker: Rick Ostrander

Host: Sid Smith


Christian Nationalism is a widely discussed and controversial movement in modern America. For some it is a call to moral renewal, while for others it represents a fundamental threat to American democracy. This first session will define Christian Nationalism, explore its historical roots, and attempt to explain its current revival in modern America.


​The Parables of Jesus

Host: Ed Koster


Through in-depth study and group discussion, we’ll delve into the cultural context, spiritual meanings, and contemporary relevance of Jesus' parables. This class offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture and discover new insights into the teachings of Christ.


Tree of Life

Host: Carole Pawloski


This series invites participants to explore the rich biblical symbolism of trees and their connection to faith, growth, and spiritual renewal. Through scripture, discussion, and reflection, this class examines how the Tree of Life appears in Christian tradition and what it teaches us about God’s presence in our lives.


Honor God’s Diversity!
Work for Liberation While Challenging Oppression

(Numbers 27 1-11; Luke 6:20-31)


Follow Me is an engaging adult discipleship class that explores biblical themes and spiritual practices to help deepen your faith. Each session encourages discussion and reflection on how we can actively follow Christ in our daily lives.

May 18


Christian Nationalism in Modern America (Part 2)


Speaker: Rick Ostrander

Host: Sid Smith


Christian Nationalism is a widely discussed and controversial movement in modern America. For some it is a call to moral renewal, while for others it represents a fundamental threat to American democracy. This second session will assess the theological merits of the movement, explore the extent of its influence in modern America, and consider its future prospects.


​The Parables of Jesus

Host: Ed Koster


Through in-depth study and group discussion, we’ll delve into the cultural context, spiritual meanings, and contemporary relevance of Jesus' parables. This class offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture and discover new insights into the teachings of Christ.


Planning for Fall 2025

Host: Carole Pawloski


Join us as we plan for the Fall 2025 session of First Friends! This meeting will focus on selecting the curriculum and shaping the direction of the class to ensure a welcoming and meaningful experience for newcomers. All are invited to contribute ideas and help create a thoughtful and engaging journey in faith and fellowship.


Classes will not meet on May 25, 

Memorial Day Weekend

Learn More

To learn more about Adult Faith Formation, contact Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers, Associate Pastor.

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