Children & Families
Welcome to our Children's Ministry! Here, we believe every child is a precious gift, and we're dedicated to helping them grow in faith, love, and joy. Through engaging lessons, fun activities, and a nurturing environment, we create a space where kids can explore their relationship with God, make new friends, and discover God's unique purpose in their lives. Whether through Sunday Faith Formation, special events, or community outreach, our goal is to support each child and their family on their spiritual journey with warmth and care.

We firmly believe in inviting and including children in all worship services at First, as it is one of the fundamental ways people of all ages learn what it means to live as Christians. For those who are interested, childcare is available Sunday mornings for children 5 years old and younger from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm.
Faith Formation
Sundays (September - May)
10:45 am
We are committed to providing a strong church school program in which children can learn the fundamentals of Reformed faith and begin a lifelong spiritual journey based on biblical literacy.
Faith formation classes encourage children to engage and grow their faith within their community of peers and on their developmental level.

Children from kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to join our Lemon Chapel Singers on Sundays at 10:45 am, September through May, where they will learn to read music, develop healthy singing habits, and explore a variety of sacred musical styles. The Lemon Chapel Singers regularly participate in worship services and perform at the Christmas concert in December.
Family Celebrations
We provide families with regular opportunities to deepen connections within our faith community through cherished annual traditions. These include:
All-church picnics and family potlucks
Craft-making festivals during Advent and Lent
Family fun activities
Nativity Service

Our childcare ministry provides a safe, nurturing, and loving environment for your little ones during worship services and church events. Our dedicated caregivers are trained to offer age-appropriate activities that engage children, allowing parents to participate fully in worship and fellowship.
In baptism, we are reminded that we are claimed as God's own. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated during 9:30 and 11:30 am worship, where our faith community makes promises to welcome and love the person being baptized. We invite you to review the Baptism page for more details.

Volunteer in
Children's Ministry
We are grateful for the volunteers who help us teach children about God. If you are interested in serving in the Children's Ministry, we look forward to hearing more about your desire to join our children in their faith journey. For the safety and security of all our children and volunteers, each person working with children and youth will be required to complete a background check and comply with the Child Protection Policy.

- Sat, Apr 12Food Gatherers
- Sat, Apr 19Social Hall
- Register Now!First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor