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Serve the Church

Whether you enjoy welcoming people on Sunday mornings, helping with children’s ministry, participating in worship services, or assisting with behind-the-scenes tasks like administration or event planning, there are numerous ways to get involved. By offering your time and talents, you not only help the church run smoothly but also deepen your connection to the community and strengthen your faith. Volunteering is a meaningful way to serve God and others while making a positive impact within the church.

“Volunteering as a church greeter is more than just a warm welcome; it’s about creating a sense of belonging and showing each person that they are valued in our community."

Sunday Hospitality

Every Sunday, we need friendly volunteers to serve as greeters, ushers, and Welcome Center attendants. We also need volunteers to host Social Hour and provide baked goodies.

Ushers & Greeters

As the first point of contact for worshipers, ushers set a welcoming tone for everyone, from long-time members to first-time visitors. They assist those with special needs, small children, and in emergencies, ensuring a comfortable experience. Ushers work in teams of 6–10 and are needed on Sunday mornings, for funerals, and memorial services, serving for one month at a time. Training is provided.


Usher Contact: Joe Schmidt

Sign up to be a greeter.

Prayer Team

We ask Elders, Deacons, Stephen Ministers, and those trained in prayer or who are willing and able to pray with those in need after 9:30 am worship to be available.

Prayer team members meet at 10:30 in Hillegonds Chapel.


Sign up to be a prayer partner

Welcome Center

Individuals staff the center between services, answer questions, and offer friendly assistance to anyone in need of direction. Volunteers serve in shifts on Sunday mornings, helping ensure a positive experience for all who walk through our doors. If you enjoy connecting with others and sharing hospitality, this is a wonderful opportunity to get involved!


Contact: Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers, 734-662-4466, ext. 390

Lay Readers

We welcome volunteers of all ages who are willing to read scripture in worship.


Contact: Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers, 734-662-4466, ext. 390

Social Hour Assisstant

Help make sure the cookies are out on tables during Social Hour and help clean up.


Sign up to assist with Social Hour.

Cookie Baker

Love to bake? We need 4 dozen cookies, so gather your favorite recipes and help us sweeten Social Hour with your delicious treats.


Sign up to bake cookies.

Sanctuary Guild

Help us prepare the Sanctuary for Sunday worship on Thursday afternoon.


Sign up to volunteer.

Caring Hands

Are you interested in helping a family or individual who could use a meal while recovering or going through a difficult time? If you’re willing to help, you can join our email list for meal requests and sign up as needs arise. Please email Mel Rogers at to be added to the list. 

Worship & Music

Do you love to sing or play an instrument? Every Sunday, our church services are enriched by the generous gifts of time and talent from members like you. Whether you’re a vocalist, instrumentalist, or simply enjoy lending a helping hand, there’s a place for you in our worship ministry! Explore opportunities with The Chancel Choir, handbell choirs,  special ensembles,  and more by visiting our Music Ministries page. Come be a part of making worship meaningful for all!

Faith Formation

Do you have a passion for teaching? We’d love to hear from you! Whether you're interested in volunteering as a Faith Formation teacher, Bible Study leader, or in other areas of discipleship, there’s a place for you to make an impact. Visit our Adult, Youth, and Children pages to learn more and get in touch!

Care Ministries

Do you have a heart for helping those in need? We're always looking for volunteers to join our Helping Hands, Prayer Team, or Stephen Ministry. Whether you feel called to pray with others or offer support, your presence can make a difference. Visit our Care Ministries page to learn more and get involved.

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