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The Session is the governing body responsible for overseeing the spiritual and administrative affairs of the congregation. Composed of elected elders and the pastor, the Session is tasked with setting church policies, providing spiritual guidance, and making decisions on matters such as worship, education, and outreach. The Session ensures that the church’s mission and operations align with its values and goals. Elders are elected to a three-year term.  Elder ordination is a life-time designation. Past Elders are part of a group called the College of Elders.

Class of 2024

Jim Cameron
Callie Feyen
Steve Gerhardt
Gail Grady
Rick Ingram
Chris King
Lynne Lande
Marti Wendler

Class of 2025

Jane Dutton
Melissa Kesterson
Mark Lindley
Aidan Majorprice
Betsy McCallister
Tom McKarns
Jim Schaafma
Diane Tamblyn
Susan Whitlock

Class of 2026

Kurt Boeve
Mary Jane Chase
Jeff Colton
Dan Mitas
Lilly Rego
Dianne Santinga
Ankie Schuitema
John Voorhorst

Rev. David Prentice-Hyers, Moderator
Carol Gottliebsen, Clerk



Deacons are elected lay leaders who focus on the ministry of service and care within the congregation and the broader community.

Class of 2024

Andrea Bare
Beth Caldwell
Heidi Dodson
Barbara Eichmuller
Rosanne Emanuele
Jesse Feyen
Beth Gerwig
Georgia Goodman
Shana Horan
Debbie MacVey
Chloe Majorprice
Mary McKeever
Nancy Oliver
Olive Rigotti
Norm Samuelson
Nicki Sorter
Jeanette Swartz
Sara Vander Voort
Julie Wheaton

Class of 2025

Al Beery
Daniel Bizer-Cox
Bill Black
Nikki Black
Lois Bryant
Anne Colvin
Don Deatrick
Michele Derr
Barbara Dobson
Mark Gehrke
Carol Gottliebsen
Prudence Heikkinen
Matthew Hulbert
Virginia Koster
Amy Lindauer
Michele Madden
Holly Majorprice
Hank McQueen
Maurine Nelson
Brian Schneidewind
Amy Shepherd

Class of 2026

Anne Andrus
Karla Olson Bellfi
Lisa Danielson
William Erben
Marilyn Goodsman
Chris Hayes
Ellery Hendrix
Keanu Heydari
Ellen Johnson
Cathy King
Linda Koos
Chris Larson
Jenna Mares
Mike McQueen
Angie Miller

Teaching Elders (Pastors)

In the Presbyterian Church (USA), a teaching elder is a clergy member who is formally ordained to serve as a pastor or minister.  

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