Presbyterian Women
If you are a woman at First Pres, then YOU are a Presbyterian Woman! Join us as we:
Enrich Faith: Deepen your spiritual journey through engaging Bible studies, spiritual writing groups, and prayerful gatherings.
Serve with Purpose: Participate in impactful mission work locally and globally.
Advocate for Peace and Justice: Support efforts that promote social equity and reconciliation.
Support Ministries: Engage with and contribute to the vital ministries at First Pres.
Women's Retreat
Come relax and rejuvenate at our spring retreat, Consider the Lilies, on Saturday, April 5. An optional "Gentle Yoga" session will begin at 8 am, followed by a continental breakfast, an inspiring speaker, fun breakout sessions, and a boxed lunch. Childcare will be available. The registration fee is $20 per person to cover the cost of food. All women are invited. Bring a friend! Please register by March 21.

Stay Connected
Monthly Updates: Subscribe to receive an email from September to May with opportunities and events.
Regular Communications: Watch the bulletin, read Our Life Together, or visit the PW bulletin board near the Welcome Center for the latest information.
Yearbook Access: View the current year’s slate of officers, meeting agendas, and lesson plans via our PW Yearbook PDF.
Faith Enrichment Opportunities
Horizons Bible Study
Second Thursdays, September – May
10:30 a.m. in the Curtis Room or via Zoom -
Study Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts by Olive Mahabir. Dive deeper into the transformative stories of Jesus and His disciples.
William Barclay Bible Study
Wednesdays, September – March
10:30 a.m. in the Vance Room
Reflect on Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians.
Contact: Meg Brown -
Spiritual Writing
First Thursdays, September – May
10:30 a.m. – Noon, Vance Room
Explore your spirituality through writing and discussion based on one-word prompts.

Mission in Action
Local Initiatives: Support programs like Detroit Hunger Mission, Friends Indeed Circles, and Hope Clinic. Participate in unique drives such as our “Undercover Operation” collecting new underwear for House by the Side of the Road.
Global Outreach: Contribute to impactful programs like the PW Thank Offering, Birthday Offering, and Fellowship of the Least Coin. Support FSIL Haiti School of Nursing and other international missions.
Special Programs
Memorial Receptions: Help provide comforting receptions following memorial services. Volunteer or bake cookies to show care to grieving families.
Contact: Felicity Williams or Nancy Fox
Religious Education Scholarships: Encourage seminary students with our scholarship program. Applications for the 2024–2025 school year are due in April 2024.

Support Presbyterian Women
Contribute to our mission activities by donating online here. Checks can be written to “Presbyterian Women” with the project name in the memo line and mailed to the Finance Office at the church.
Join us as we grow in faith, community, and service!