Music & Fine Arts
Sing to the Lord a new song, for the Lord has done marvelous things. . . . Shout with joy to the Lord, all you lands; lift up your voice, rejoice, and sing. Sing to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the voice of song. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout with joy before the Sovereign, the Lord.
Psalm 98:1, 4-6

Children & Youth Choir
Lemon Chapel Singers
The Lemon Chapel Singers provides a nurturing environment where young singers (K - 8th grade) can develop their vocal skills, learn to read music, and engage with a diverse range of sacred repertoire. We welcome all children and youth to celebrate God’s gift of music on Sundays at 10:45 am, with regular rehearsals from September through May.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir consists of professional singers alongside a dedicated group of volunteer choristers from the congregation. From September to June, the choir leads the music of the 9:30 am Sunday service and participates in special seasonal services throughout Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in Monteith Hall.
Contact us to learn how to get involved.

Sanctus Ringers Handbell Choir
The advanced adult handbell choir offers a unique opportunity for musicians to ring beautifully crafted handbells, creating rich, resonant music that enhances worship services and special events with its vibrant and harmonious sound. Rehearsals are Mondays, 7:00 to 8:30 pm, September through May.
Joyful Ringers Handbell Choir
Joyful Ringers provides an inviting introduction to handbell ringing, where participants learn basic techniques and musical skills while contributing to the joyful and harmonious sound of the ensemble. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 2:00 to 2:45 pm, September through May.
FPC Orchestra
Our orchestra, open to high school students and adults, offers musicians a chance to perform a diverse repertoire, develop their skills, and collaborate in creating dynamic and expressive musical experiences. Rehearsals are twice a month at
9:30 am on Saturdays and 11:00 am on Sundays.
Recorder Ensemble
The Recorder Ensemble brings the warm, timeless sound of recorders to worship and special events. Open to players of all levels, the group rehearses on Sundays at 11:00 AM from September through May.
If you are interested in joining an ensemble, contact Dave VanderMeer, Minister of Music and Fine Arts.
Liturgical & Visual Arts
The Liturgical and Visual Arts Team enhances worship by creating meaningful and aesthetically engaging environments. This team designs and arranges visual elements such as banners, seasonal decorations, and artwork to complement the liturgical calendar, fostering a worship experience that reflects the church's themes and traditions. Their work helps to visually express and deepen the congregation’s spiritual journey throughout the year. If you are interested in serving on this committee, contact Dave VanderMeer, Minister of Music and Fine Arts.

The organ in our sanctuary, installed in 2001, was built by Schoenstein & Co. of San Francisco. It consists of 2,474 pipes, placed in 42 ranks (33 voices).
The instrument is played from a movable console of three keyboards and a pedal board. The tonal resources of the instrument combine elements of the major schools of organ building throughout history.
The pipes are made of wood, tin, lead, and zinc. Woods used in construction of the organ include maple, oak, poplar, and mahagony. The console is made of oak and polished walnut and uses polisched ebony drawknobs on brass shanks. The keys are of bone and ebony.
Monteith Hall
A Moeller pipe organ, generously donated by Ronald Sutton, was installed in Monteith Hall at First Presbyterian in the fall of 2005. The organ has two manuals and three ranks of pipes. Together with the beautiful grand piano in that space, it provides us with great musical flexibility for weddings, funerals, and Sunday services.
Concerts & Recitals
First Presbyterian Church is proud to support the arts by hosting a variety of outside musical ensemble concerts and student recitals throughout the year. Our beautiful sanctuary and exceptional acoustics provide an inspiring setting for performances that enrich the community.
For more information or to inquire about hosting your event, please contact Dave VanderMeer.