Worship is the heart of our life together. Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, know that you are valued, you are loved, and you belong here.
If you'd like to participate in worship from home or the road, you can watch anytime on YouTube.
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Learn more about First Presbyterian Church on our guest information page.
Explore our diverse worship services, each designed to offer a unique experience of spiritual connection and community throughout the morning.
8:30 AM Worship with Communion
Our earliest service is a quiet, contemplative service in the more intimate space of Monteith Hall. Communion is served weekly.
Approx. 30 minutes
9:30 AM Worship
This service is a traditional worship style with liturgy, scripture and sermon, vocal, handbell, and instrumental choirs, and congregational singing accompanied by the organ and other instruments. The 9:30 am worship service is livestreamed. Approx. 60 minutes
11:30 AM Worship
This service is participatory, creative, and intergenerational. All are welcome and invited to move around, create, and respond in a variety of ways. Approx. 45 minutes
Children in Worship
Children are welcome at all of our worship services. We offers age-appropriate worship resources for our youngest worshipers to enjoy. If needed, childcare is available on the first level on Sunday mornings for children 5 years and younger. Click here for more information about Childcare.
Let us know you attended worship by signing the online Friendship Pad.

This Sunday
Second Sunday in Lent: March 16, 2025
8:30 am
Worship with Communion
Monteith Hall
Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers​​​
9:30 am
Sanctuary & Livestream
Rev. David Prentice-Hyers
11:30 am
Monteith Hall
Rev. Mark Mares

Taizé Services
1st Tuesday of the Month (October - May)
7:00 pm, Monteith Hall
Experience the peace and reflection of Taizé services, held on the first Tuesday of each month (October through May, except January) at 7:00 PM in Monteith Hall. These contemplative worship gatherings feature meditative music, simple chants, prayer, and moments of silence, offering a sacred space to reconnect with God and find inner stillness. All are welcome to join this meaningful time of spiritual renewal.